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Yoko Osaka Navi 880 1 year ago
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大阪・鶴橋商店街でキムチやチヂミなど販売・飲食できる韓国食料品店に行きました。おすすめ・人気・売れ筋商品をきいてきましたのでご紹介します。鶴橋商店街は、駅前にあり韓国グルメ・雑貨・コスメなど韓国気分を味わえる大阪おでかけ・観光スポットです。まずおかわりですが、おすすめ人気商品はトマト、3種類キムチ盛り合わせです。唐揚げも紹介してます。トマトは、今流行っているそうです。次のお店はチェおばさんのキムチですが、おすすめ人気商品は山芋・オイソベギです。チヂミ、ギンパ紹介しています。店内飲食ができます。次のお店は海苔巻き半島ですが、おすすめ人気商品はのりまきです。れんこんとはるさめが入っています。次のお店は韓国料理デバっ家ですが、おすすめ人気商品はチョンセット、じゃこ炒め、牛すじこんにゃくです。トッポキも紹介されています。店内飲食ができます。次のお店は土井商店ですが、おすすめ人気商品は豚足、チョンセット、ホルモンです。豚足ですが、ちぎって食べてもいいし食べやすく切ってあります。はるさめ、のりまき、てんぷら紹介しています。店内飲食ができます。チヂミを作っていましたが、山芋チーズ入りで真ん中にチーズを入れています。次のお店は豊田商店ですが、おすすめ人気商品は白菜・チャンジャです。次のお店は岡村商店ですが、おすすめ人気商品は山芋です。韓国の大会で金賞をもらっているということです。次のお店は神戸商会ですが、おすすめ人気商品は生いか、手長タコ、山芋です。次のお店はですが、おすすめ人気商品は小松菜です。次のお店は金城おばあさんの店ですが、おすすめ人気商品は白菜キムチ、チャンチャです。今回の感想ですが、山芋や旬の野菜を使ったキムチがおすすめ・人気商品が多かったと思いました。撮影にご協力いただきまして、ありがとうございました。今回はこれで終わります。ご視聴いただきまして、ありがとうございました。よかったらチャンネル登録お願いします。 ●鶴橋商店街公式HP ●音楽:DOVA-SYNDROME 「yuhei komatsu」 I went to a Korean grocery store in Tsuruhashi Shopping Street in Osaka where you can eat and drink kimchi and chijimi. We have heard about recommended, popular, and best-selling products, so we would like to introduce them. Tsuruhashi Shopping Street is located in front of the station and is an Osaka outing and sightseeing spot where you can enjoy the Korean feeling such as Korean gourmet, miscellaneous goods, and cosmetics. First of all, as for refills, the recommended popular product is the tomato and three kinds of kimchi platter. We also introduce fried chicken. Tomatoes are popular now. The next shop is Aunt Choi's kimchi, but the recommended popular product is yam and oiso begi. Chijimi and Gimpa are introduced. You can eat and drink in the store. The next shop is the nori roll peninsula, but the recommended popular product is norimaki. It contains lotus root and rusame. The next restaurant is Korean cuisine Deba-ya, but the popular products recommended are chon set, stir-fried jako, and beef tendon konjac. Tteokbokki is also introduced. You can eat and drink in the store.The next shop is Doi Shoten, but the popular products recommended are pork legs, chon sets, and hormones. It is a pork leg, but it can be torn into pieces and cut into pieces that are easy to eat. Harusame, Norimaki, and Tempura are introduced. You can eat and drink in the store. I was making chijimi, but it has yam cheese and cheese in the middle. The next shop is Toyota Shoten, but the most popular products we recommend are Chinese cabbage and chanja. The next shop is Okamura Shoten, but the recommended popular product is yam. It means that they have received a gold prize at a tournament in Korea. The next shop is Kobe Shokai, but the recommended popular products are raw squid, long octopus, and yam.The next shop is Asahi, but the popular product we recommend is Komatsuna. The next shop is Grandma Kinjo's shop, but the popular products recommended are Chinese cabbage kimchi and chancha. As for my impression this time, I thought that there were many recommended and popular products made with yam and seasonal vegetables. Thank you for your cooperation in filming. That's it for this time. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to the channel if you like.
