"今回のゲストは、かたい、かた〜いお仕事の原田裕司さんをお迎えして、我々にはあまり馴染みの無い、固ーい、固ーい石にまつわるお話しを伺います〜😊また、錦町一筋、生まれてから現在まで、ずっと錦町に住み続けて50年弱、生粋の錦人です〜😊" -くろ
" This time, our guest is Yuji Harada, who works in a very solid and serious profession. We’ll be diving into a topic that might not be so familiar to many of us—stories about hard, hard stones! 😊
Harada-san is also a true Nishiki native, having lived in Nishiki Town for nearly 50 years since birth, dedicating his life entirely to this community. 😊" -Kuro
○cafe world 広瀬
毎月第2, 4金曜日放送中。
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