পীর সাহেবের রহস্য ভরা ওয়াজ । মুফতি নুরুল মোস্তুফা নকশবন্দী। Bangla Waz 2024
Keep an eye on Biplab Media to get new Bangladeshi Waj Mahfil. Like Mizanur Rahman Azhari, Sunni Maulana will get waj and get correct story of Quran hadith. The biography of Olid's companions, the sacrifice of Barapir Abdul Qadir Jilani's Keramat Maulana Jalal Uddin Rumi's Sama Zikir Mahfil video. Reply to the words of Shaykh Ahmad Ullah and Ahl al-Hadith, but we do not preach the waz of any mad speaker like Ghulam Rabbani. We believe in the ideals of Allah and Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Bengal Jalsa
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