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港式菠蘿包的做法分成三個部份:製作湯種、菠蘿脆皮、麵包底 There are three parts of making this bread: Tang Zhong, the crispy topping and the bread 製作湯種: 比例為5份水:1份高筋麵粉 高筋麵粉 50g 水 250g 將高筋麵粉和水放入鍋中拌勻,然後開小火煮至濃稠 煮好後用保鮮膜包好放涼備用 **只需要120g湯種** (多出來的湯種可以放入雪櫃一星期內使用) Making Tang Zhong: The ratio is 5:1 (water: bread flour) Bread Flour 50g Water 250g Put bread flour and water into a pot Stir it until no lump of bread flour Turn on to low heat and keep stirring it Cook it until the mixture becomes sticky like baby food Wrap the Tang Zhong and cool down for further use ** we only need 120g of Tang Zhong** Rest of the Tang Zhong could be stored in freeze up to a week 菠蘿脆皮 材料: 低筋麵粉 120g 牛油 60g 糖 60g 梳打粉 1g 泡打粉 3g 蛋 30g 吉士粉 10g 做法: 1.牛油放軟至室溫後加入砂糖 2.加入已過篩的粉類 3.蛋液分2-3次加入 4.成團後放入雪櫃1-2小時 5.將脆皮從雪櫃取出 6.分成所需份量 7.脆皮放在兩張保鮮膜中壓平 Crispy topping Ingredients: Cake flour 120g Butter 60g Sugar 60g Baking Soda 1g Baking powder 3g Egg 30g Custard powder 10g Mix sugar with room temperature butter Sieve all powder and add it into butter mixture Add egg in 2-3 times Keep it in fridge for 1-2 hours When using this topping: Take it out from the fridge Divide it into deserved pieces Put it between two plastic wrap and flatten it 菠蘿包底 材料: 高筋麵粉 350g 砂糖 60g 鹽 4g 蛋 56g 酵母 6g 湯種 120g 牛奶 125ml 牛油 30g 做法: 1.將糖、酵母、鹽放入高筋麵粉入拌勻 2.然後加入蛋液、湯種和牛奶 3.搓成團後加入牛油搓至光滑起筋 4.進行第一次發酵 5.發酵後分割成所需份量,滾圓鬆弛15分鐘 6.拍打麵團排氣,然後作最後造形 7.進行第二次發酵 8.在二發後的麵團上塗上蛋液 9.將菠蘿脆皮放上麵團 10.在脆皮塗上蛋液 11.放入已預熱180度看焗爐內13分鐘 Bread Ingrendients: Bead flour 350g Sugar 60g Salt 4g Egg 56g Instant Yeast 6g Tang Zhong 120g Milk 125ml Butter 30g Put sugar, yeast, salt into bread flour and mix it Add egg, Tang Zhong and milk When the above ingredients are well mixed, add butter into the dough Knead it until the surface is smooth enough Shape it into ball for the first fermentation Divided the dough into deserved pieces, shape it into ball and rest for 15 minutes Hit the dough to release air and shape it into ball again Rest for second fermentation Add egg on the top of the dough Put on crispy topping and add some egg on the top as well Pre-heat the oven into 180'C and bake it for 13 minutes ========================================================================== Youtube channel: Facebook: Florence' Kitchen @ myhiddenkitchen IG: myhiddenkitchen 想第一時間睇到最新既影片,記得㩒“訂閱“ 同埋follow埋myhiddenkitchen既IG同Facebook呀!
