#limbuan In the Yakthung Limbu caste, a son or daughter who dies, is buried on the night of Barkhanta in Miwa Sammang Tangsing Yeba, Yemani, Samba or Fedang.
#limbuan The main reason for this miwa sammang tangasing is that no one dies after death, but after death, our soul is taken to Sovrgalok Chotlung.
#for Miwa sammang tangsing 1 night to do another meaning, so that the dead do not hurt the living, the priest does the work of communicating with their ancestors as their souls.
#limbuan yaba Rajesh Munduram Minduram Minduram Minduram Sammamang Valley is disconnected by the second phase of the second stage.
#limbuan Any man in Siltthushu Morang has to move around to Hangsang after Mandathhu Morang, a Mildthung Limbung, and a dead person in Solkthung Throng in Solkthung Limbu.
##@ @kapeshmsti The fifth part of Movuum Moka Sammmang Rajesh Cangliva is getting through the essence.
@eusoubaroneshorts Rajesh kangliwa ijam. speaking yakthung limbu mundhum