우측만 광대를 외측으로 재위치 하였고 턱 전체를 재건 하였습니다.
환자 맞춤형 PCL 과 자가골을 사용하여 턱 전체를 재건 하였습니다. 턱끝에 비대칭이 있어서 우측으로 2mm이동하고 재건 하였고 턱근육의 재배치도 함께 시행 하였습니다.
On the right side only, the zygoma was repositioned to the outside and the entire chin was reconstructed.
The entire jaw was reconstructed using patient-specific PCL and autologous bone. There was asymmetry at the tip of the chin, so it was moved 2 mm to the right and reconstructed, and realignment of the chin muscles was also performed.