모든 사망률에 가장 영향을 미치는 폐활량에 대해 이야기하고
암환자분들이 어떻게 관리할 수 있는지 이야기합니다
영상에서 언급한 암 생존율과 폐활량에 관한 논문 목록
Kannel, Hubert and Lew et al. : Vital capacity as a predictor of cardiovascular disease: The Framingham study. Ameerican Heart Jourrnal 1983, 105(2): 311-315
HJ Schunemann et al. : Pulmonary function is a long term predictor of mortality in the general population. Chest Journal 2000, 118(3): 656-664
M.K. Ferguson et al. Predicted postoperative lung function is associated with all-cause long term mortality after major lung resection for cancer. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 2014, 45(4): 660-664
Fan Feng et al. Low forced vital capacity predicts poor prognosis in gastric cancer patients. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(17):28897-28905
Yongyin Gao et al. Preoperative pulmonary function correlates with systemic inflammatory response and prognosis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: results of a single-institution retrospective study. Oncotarge, 2017, 8(16):27489-27501
Hye Seon Kang et al. A low level of forced expiratory volume in one second predicts the poor porgnosis of small cell lung cancer. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2018, 10(4):2179-2185
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암면역 클리닉
홈페이지 : http://www.mitochondria-mito.com
네이버 블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/beautiful_earth
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