| Middle hiking shoes | Light hiking shoes | Trekking shoes | Trail running shoes
If you bought expensive trekking shoes that don't fit, don't support ankles properly, make you embarrassed with separating the sole and the midsole or cause you blisters while you hike, I think a lot of you experienced this.
Trekking shoes are, in hiking, the most important safety gear. If you just purchase it without much consideration, not only it causes you financial damage, but also puts you at risk of your health and safety.
Different from sneakers, hiking shoes and trekking shoes are used for walking for a long time outside. It should be able to protect us from rough landscape and various weathers.
If you have experiences regretting purchasing wrong trekking shoes or plan to buy a new pair of trekking shoes but cannot decide, hope you get various purchasing tips by watching this video till the end.