00:00 摘要
01:00 组建骷髅
04:12 真正的亡命徒
10:11 一戰成名
黨衛隊第3師「骷髏」(德語:3. SS-Division 「Totenkopf」),又稱第3骷髏裝甲師,是納粹德國武裝黨衛隊的一個裝甲師,
The 3rd SS-Division "Totenkopf" (German: 3. SS-Division "Totenkopf"), also known as the 3rd Totenkopf Panzer Division, was an armored division of the Waffen-SS in Nazi Germany.
He has participated in many battles, especially on the Eastern Front. It is mainly composed of the management personnel of the concentration camp - the Skeleton Corps, also known as the "Skeleton Division".
The "Skeleton Division" is notorious for its brutality and has committed many war crimes.
Including the Chaslay Massacre, the killing of a large number of intellectuals in Poland and the execution of many Allied prisoners of war in La Paradis, many members of the division were also prosecuted after the war.