औरतें ऐसे करती हैं क़ानून का गलत इस्तेमाल | Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj Interview
#MensRights #interview #narayanbhardwaj
आत्महत्या के आंकड़ों पर गौर किया जाए तो एनसीआरबी की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, 2021 की तुलना में 2022 में आत्महत्या के मामले बढ़े हैं। लेटेस्ट डाटा के अनुसार 1,70,924 आत्महत्याएं रिपोर्ट हुई हैं। जो कि, पिछले साल की तुलना में 4.2% ज्यादा है। इनमें से 31.7% केस पारिवारिक समस्या (विवाह-संबंधी समस्याओं के अलावा) के हैं। ऐसे में हमने Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj के साथ की एक ख़ास बातचीत जो की मर्दों के हक़ के लिए आवाज़ उठाती हैं और एक डाक्यूमेंट्री फिल्मकार भी हैं.
A closer look at the statistics on suicides reveals that according to the NCRB report, the number of suicides increased in 2022 compared to 2021. The latest data shows that 1,70,924 suicides were reported, which is a 4.2% increase from the previous year. Out of these, 31.7% of the cases were due to family problems (excluding marriage-related issues). In this context, we had a special conversation with Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, who advocates for men's rights and is also a documentary filmmaker.
#FalseAllegations #MartyrsOfMarriage #GenderEquality #NCRB2022 #498AMisuse #MensMentalHealth #FamilyLawsIndia #ZeeSwitch #DomesticViolenceIndia #MensDaySpecial #JusticeForMen
Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, Martyrs of Marriage, Men's Rights India, Section 498A, Men's Mental Health, False Allegations, NCRB Suicide Report 2022, NCRB Report Statistics, Anti-Dowry Law Misuse, Gender Bias in India, Zee Switch, Men's Day Special, Domestic Violence against Men, Family Suicides NCRB, Deepika Bhardwaj Interview, Legal Reform India, Biased Laws India, False Rape Cases India, Domestic Abuse against Men, Justice for Men, Indian Judiciary Biased Laws, Gender Neutral Laws India, Men's Rights Activist, Domestic Violence NGO India, Section 498A Misuse Cases, Men's Suicide Stories, Men's Voices in Legal Cases, Suicide NCRB 2022 Data, False Cases India, Biased Domestic Violence Laws, Mental Health Help Men, Laws Against Men India, Deepika Bhardwaj Documentary, Men's Day Documentary, Mental Health Awareness Men, Social Justice for Men, Indian Judiciary Reforms, Biased Laws against Husbands, MenToo India, Men's Rights Movements India, Misuse of Legal Framework, ZeeSwitch Content.
Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj | NCRB Suicide Data | Men's Rights Laws | Section 498A Misuse | Anti-Dowry Law | False Allegations | Men's Mental Health in India | Domestic Violence against Men | Gender Neutrality in Laws | Justice for Men | Martyrs of Marriage Documentary | Family Problems NCRB | Men's Advocacy in India.
498A Misuse Exposed! Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj Lays Bare India's Biased Laws | Must Watch!
Suicide, Section 498A & Men's Rights: Shocking NCRB 2022 Revelations 🚨 | Deepika Bhardwaj Interview
MenToo India: Deepika Bhardwaj Explains Gender-Biased Laws 💔 | ताज़ा NCRB आंकड़े!
How are Indian laws misused against men?
What is Section 498A, and why is it controversial?
Who is Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, and what is her contribution to men's rights?
What does the NCRB Report 2022 say about rising suicides in India?
How can laws in India be made more gender-neutral?