▽Click here for the Asahi Super Dry "Factory Fresh Umami Pack" SPECIAL SITE!
Provided by: Asahi brewery Co.ltd.
☆ I released a book! https://amazon.co.jp/dp/4046050284/
☆ Second channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEAvwlv0ZtJrSsgaA2CewOw
☆ Twitter : https://twitter.com/Kneko__
☆ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kimagure.cook/?hl=en
☆ For gifts and letters, please use the address below
(Please note, we cannot accept any raw and/or refrigerated foods)
Postal Code 150-0011
1-26-20 Higashi Shibuya-ku Tokyo
Tokyo Tatemono Higashi Shibuya Building 8F
Tokyo, Japan
To “Carry On, Ltd. Kimagure Cook"
☆ Work requests, etc. : kimagurecook5@gmail.com
Dear Oversea Viewers,
Thank you for watching my videos as always.
I am honored to share the culture of Japanese seafoods.
Japan is a country surrounded by the oceans and various seafoods can be found here
We will continue to add English subtitles from older videos. It might take a while to complete all videos but I appreciate your patience.
Again, thank you for watching my videos! And I hope you enjoy them!
☆ Sound source: http://dova-s.jp/