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#JeeraAjvainBiscuitsRecipe #CookiesWithoutOven #BiscuitRecipeByMasalaKitchen
Aaj Masala Kitchen me hum laaye hai Jeera Ajvain Biscuits ki Recipe. Ghar me banaye bazaar jaise Jeera Biscuits.
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आज मसाला किचन में हम लाये है जीरा अजवाइन के बिस्कुट की रेसिपी | घर में बनाये बेकरी जैसे बिस्कुट | एक बार इस ट्रिक से जीरा अजवाइन के बिस्कुट बना लिया तो बाजार के बिस्कुट भूल जाओगे | इजी और टेस्टी आटा बिस्कुट की रेसिपी अब आप बना सकते है घर पर वो भी बहुत आसानी से | घर मे बेकरी जैसे बिस्कुट बनाने का आसान तरीका | आटा कुकीज़ कैसे बनाये मसाला किचन की बिस्किट/कुकीज़ रेसिपी जरूर देखिये | आटे के बिस्कुट बनाने की विधि | हैल्दी आटा बिस्किट बनाने की आसान रेसिपी | बिना ओवन के बिस्कुट बनाने का आसान तरीका | बाजार जैसे बिस्किट बनाने का सही तरीका देखिये और बेकरी रेसिपी/आटा बिस्कुट/कड़ाई में बिस्किट की रेसिपी शेयर ज़रूर कीजिये | मसाला किचन | पूनम देवनानी रेसिपी |
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For Biscuits:
* All-Purpose Flour (मैदा) - 1 cup
* Wheat Flour (गेहूं का आटा) - less than 1/2 cup
* Custard Powder (कस्टर्ड पाउडर) - 1.5 tbsp
* Salt (नमक) - 1 tsp
* Baking Powder (बेकिंग पाउडर) - 1/2 tbsp
* Baking Soda (बेकिंग सोडा) - 1/4 tsp
* Ghee (घी) - 1/2 cup
* Sugar (चीनी) - 2 tbsp
* Roasted Cumin Seeds (भुना हुआ जीरा) - 1 tbsp
* Roasted Carom Seeds (भुना हुआ अजवाइन) - 1/2 tbsp
* Milk (दूध) - 3 tbsp
Take a pan & put Cumin Seeds & Carom Seeds in it & roast them on a slow flame. Take them out & crush them with roller & keep it in the bowl. Take a bowl, Keep strainer on it & put All-Purpose Flour, Wheat Flour, Custard Powder, Salt, Baking Powder, Baking Soda & filter them all with the strainer. Mix the Flour & keep it asied. Take another bowl & put Ghee & Sugar in it & beat it with beater. Put the Flour in the bowl gradually & mix it then put the Roasted Cumin Seeds & Carom Seeds in it & mix it. Put Milk in it & mix it well the cover it & keep it in the fridge for 10-15 min. Now take a silicon sheet & put the dough in it & roll it. Cut it in the shape of Biscuits. Take a baking tray & put Butter paper in it then put Biscuits in it & bake it at 180 degree for 15 min. Take a tray & cover it with foil paper & put the Biscuit in it & put it in the pre-heated kadhai & bake it then after 15 min remove the lid & keep the pre-heated tava on it. Bake the Biscuits & take out in the plate. Serve it & Enjoy it.
इस वीडियो मे इस्तेमाल किये जाने वाले सामान का लिंक मैंने नीचे दिया है आप इस लिंक को क्लिक करके खरीद सकते है
Chopping board - https://amzn.to/3f1wNQe
Serving Plate - https://amzn.to/2AfU9Tr
Serving Plate - https://amzn.to/2Unt2N0
Mixing Bowl - https://amzn.to/30tElXU
Glass serving bowl - https://amzn.to/2Ykf0Np
Measuring cup - https://amzn.to/2C4nYa7
Fry Pan - https://amzn.to/2ZVx554
Silicone Spatula - https://amzn.to/30qtvll
Electric beater - https://amzn.to/2NEIUbd
Silver foil - https://amzn.to/2Zc9s83
Baking tray - https://amzn.to/3mJEPBZ
Steel stand - https://amzn.to/37456oD
Strainer - https://amzn.to/30hu7bD
Steel Whisker - https://amzn.to/2Nbh3lj
Kadhai Glass Lid - https://amzn.to/3bD3KDA
Silicon Sheet - https://amzn.to/2NfuVv0
Wooden Spatchula - https://amzn.to/3eAEmAi
Iron Tava - https://amzn.to/2NbhDzv
Bakery Biscuits | Easy Cookies Recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9IXMmc8ios&list=PLXIwPvaZX1kpScGyupYG7VPvKCvKtx1UT
Homemade Nankhatai Recipes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qgfrnn-FSQ&list=PLXIwPvaZX1krbgGfow6S795XbXjM9wjeO
Atta Biscuit Without Oven - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRufhsbmE48
Choco Chips Cookies - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZzG2eGB4pg
Tutti Frutti Biscuits - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAdFQxDH4d4
Butter Cookies Recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_ZVGpo7Ml8