隨處可見的馬齒莧是「天然抗生素」 還能降血脂
馬齒莧是天然抗生素 有6大功效
1. 抗菌。 如上文所述,馬齒莧對細菌和真菌有高效抵禦作用。
2. 降血脂、改善血管健康。 ...
3. 緩解皮膚病。 ...
4. 抗炎症。 ...
5. 抑制癌細胞生長。 ...
6. 保護眼睛。
Purslane is A Tasty "Weed" That is Loaded With Nutrients
Purslane is a green, leafy vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. It is known scientifically as Portulaca oleracea, and is also called pigweed, little hogweed, fatweed and pusley. This succulent plant contains about 93% water. It has red stems and small, green leaves
more video links of gardening:
種一年吃十年,實現紅莧菜自由並不難 Red Amaranth
露台 陽臺 曬臺 種菜 結果太驚人 用種植袋種菜 好處多多 Planting on terrace/deck/balcony
Bitter gourd/ Karela grow on my balcony 陽臺上种苦瓜
我家菜園里的十種懶人蔬菜 | Top 10 easiest vegetables in my garden
Sunchokes pickles|Jerusalem artichokes Pickles|Simple recipe ever|Chinese Cuisine
how to plant edamame:
how to keep extra chives:
This channel intends to share my cooking, gardening, travelling experience. I am so happy to meet you here at my home. Hope you like my channel.
Thank you very much for watching, please do not forget to Like, comment, subscribe my channel. HAPPY COOKING, HAPPY TRAVELING.
Gardening videos:
how to plant edamame: https://youtu.be/pD3jNVfVmHw
how to keep extra chives: https://youtu.be/6GONEZf8A7E
cooking videos:
how to roast a turkey: https://youtu.be/mSzlqcaeF1Q
how to make snow moon cake: https://youtu.be/rC_PfUQfkFU
how to make steamed meat with glutinous rice: https://youtu.be/-qorIi-ejMo
how to make mochi: https://youtu.be/uADfz1hE0E4
social media links
my blocks: https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myoverview/51877/
my youtube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/?gl=CA&tab=r1