Safar With Sameer Episode 3 || Karishma Shrestha
So, this is the third episode of Safar with Sameer, and today we have a very beautiful and talented emerging actress, Karisma Shrestha! She has been making her mark as an influencer, actor, and more a true rising star! ✨Let’s give a huge shout-out to Karisma Shrestha as she makes her comeback with the movie 'Mayavi'! In this episode, we dive deep into her challenges, struggles, and life’s happiness, only on Safar with Sameer! Don't miss it!
Special Thanks
Sutra TV HD
Keshav Khadka
Karishma Shrestha
Prabhakar Pokharel
Saugat Dahal
Edit | Color
Nishan Ghimire
Host | Director | Producer
Sameer Regmi
#KarishmaShrestha #MayaviNepaliFilm #sutratv #SameerRegmi #cinema #cinematalk #nepalipodcast #nepalicontent #Safarwithsameer #nepalicinema #mayavikashmishra #Mayavipaulshah #Paulshahfilm #paulshah