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দুনিয়ার সব বিষাক্ত সাপের বসবাস এখানেই | এখানে সবাই ভয় পায় | সর্পদেবী মনসার বাসস্থান! |

Kobir Documentary 29,057 1 month ago
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​@KobirDocumentary দুনিয়ার সব বিষাক্ত সাপের বসবাস এখানেই | এখানে সবাই ভয় পায় | সর্পদেবী মনসার বাসস্থান! | | Poisonous snakes live here ||| Mahasthangarh is one of the oldest monuments in Bangladesh. This famous city, also known as historical Putravardhan or Pundranagar, was founded about two and a half thousand years ago. Today we are going to In search of an unknown story. Many of us have seen Bengali movies of Kalnag, Bishnag, Sarva Devi, Padma Devi, and Kal Nagini in Bengali movies or Indian movies, but in reality, many may or may not know their habitat, which is why we are rushing to show you their real existence in Shibganj Upazila. This amazing TV in Bogra is the residence of Manasa Devi or many call it Bis Pattan where poisonous snakes used to pour poison here or the home of poisonous snakes of the world where various kinds of miracles have also happened on the night of the new moon or at different times. If any person has tried to harm them here, they have also suffered great harm, the existence of which we will see today and show you in this entire video. #sapervideo #monosa #bisdhorsaperbosobas #bisdhorsap **WARNING*** This Content is Copyright to "Kobir Documentary". Any Unauthorized Reproduction, Redistribution or re - is Strictly Prohibited Of This Material. Legal Action Will Be Taken Against Those Who Violate The Copyright Of The Following Material Presented............!!
