맛있는먹방♡ 전 실컷 먹고 싶은날~☺️ 알배기 겉절이, 파김치, 고구마줄기김치, 총각김치, 고들빼기 김치, 매운, 김치, 먹방. mukbang, spicy, kimchi.
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Nice to meet you ^-^
I really wanted to eat jeon today,
While purchasing this and that,
I saw the kimchi that took out the goblin,
I really wanted to eat it,
I bought them in one place by type,
I ate it.
They're not spicy kimchi,
I think it would be nice for everyone to eat. ^-^
It was such a delicious meal today!!
Always take care of your health
Thank you always ^-^♡♡♡♡♡♡♡