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ल्यूकोरिया क्यों होता है | कुंवारी और विवाहित महिलाओं में ल्यूकोरिया के कारण | ल्यूकोरिया के लक्षण

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This video covers : What is leukorrhea, why leukorrhea occurs, symptoms of leukorrhea, 10 causes of leukorrhea, treatment of leukorrhea, home treatment of leucorrhoea, precautions and prevention in leucorrhoea, what to eat and what not to eat in leukorrhea, why leucorrhoea happens again and again, Due to leucorrhoea in virgin girls, in married women due to leucorrhoea, home remedies for leucorrhoea, ल्यूकोरिया क्या होता है, ल्यूकोरिया क्यों होता है, ल्यूकोरिया के लक्षण, ल्यूकोरिया के 10 कारण, ल्यूकोरिया का इलाज, ल्यूकोरिया का घरेलु इलाज, ल्यूकोरिया में सावधानियां और बचाव, ल्यूकोरिया में क्या खाएं और क्या ना खाएं, ल्यूकोरिया बार बार क्यों होता है, ल्यूकोरिया के कारण कुंवारी लड़कियों में, ल्यूकोरिया के कारण विवाहित महिलाओं में, ल्यूकोरिया का घरेलू उपचार, leucorrhoea in hindi, leukorea in hindi, leucorrhoea symptoms in hindi, leucorrhoea treatment in hindi,

#ल्यूकोरिया, #leucorrhoea, #धात

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What is leukorrhea, why leukorrhea occurs, symptoms of leukorrhea, 10 causes of leukorrhea, treatment of leukorrhea, home treatment of leucorrhoea, precautions and prevention in leucorrhoea, what to eat and what not to eat in leukorrhea, why leucorrhoea happens again and again, Due to leucorrhoea in virgin girls, in married women due to leucorrhoea, home remedies for leucorrhoea,

What is leucorrhoea?
Leucorrhoea is also called white water or white leucorrhoea in common language. It is a common disease in women. In this, white colored thick and foul-smelling water comes out from the vagina. If there is any kind of infection, the discharge is yellow, light blue or light red in color, and very sticky and smelly.

What is another name for Leucorrhoea?
leucorrhoea, leucorrhoea

Why does leucorrhoea happen?
Leucorrhoea is caused by bacteria called 'Trichomonas vaginales' in the vagina. Having or having repeated abortions. Leukorrhea is caused by an infectious disease called fungal yeast in the vagina of women with diabetes.

Who gets leucorrhoea?
Leucorrhoea occurs in women due to poor lifestyle, diet and lack of cleanliness of the body.

What are the symptoms of Leukorrhea?
• Intense itching and tingling in the vagina.
• Remaining pain in the back.
• Feeling weak and dizzy.
• frequent urination !
• Remaining heaviness in the stomach.

Leucorrhoea is caused by eating what?
• Excess intake of fried food
• Not cleaning the vagina properly
• Repeated abortions
• Caused by sexually transmitted infections
• Tension and weakness
• Urine infection

What is not caused by eating leucorrhoea?
• Millet
• Barley
• Moong
• Lentil
• Chickpea
• Pointed gourd
• Gourd
• Bathua and Chaulai
• Papaya, Apple, Banana, Grapes and Pomegranate
• green coriander
• Ginger

What not to eat if you have leucorrhoea?
• Fine flour
• Black gram
• Onion
• Eggplant
• Sour things
• Hot Things
• Alcohol
• Foods that increase acidity

What is the ayurvedic or home remedy for leucorrhoea?
• Eating powder of amla regularly for a few days can provide relief in it.
• Eating banana with ghee can also get rid of this problem.
• Taking the powder of the bark of Jamun with water twice a day provides relief in the
problem of white water.
• Neem bark powder can also be beneficial in this problem. Its regular consumption gives
relief in it.

Which doctor to see if you have leucorrhoea?

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Healths Rainbow
