اعتقل في زمن الأسد الابن لأنه نادى بحق المواطنة للأكراد السوريين، وخرج ليحكي قصة القمع التي تلقاها الأكراد من زمن الأب إلى الابن
إعداد وحوار: سعاد قطناني
إخراج: هشام الزعوقي
Episode 10 Nazmi Muhammad: Syrian Kurds represent a chapter in the book of suppression systematically implemented by the Syrian regime The episode includes roleplay scenes
He was arrested during Assad Junior’s era just for calling for citizenship for the Syrian Kurds. He was set free then to tell us about the story of suppression which the Kurds suffered from throughout the era of the two Assads, the father and the son.
Suad Qatanani: Producer, Script Writer & Interviewer
Hisham Al-Zaouqi: Director
-Nazmi Muhammad: a Syrian Kurd. He was arrested for joining a political party calling for Syrian citizenship for all Kurds.
- What kind of treatment have the Syrian Kurds got by the Syrian regime?
-Nazmi Muhammad is telling us his story at Sydnaya Prison
-He has shared his survival story with us
يمكنك متابعتنا عبر الترددات التالية | نايلسات: 11603 H - معدل الترميز 27500 - 5/6 | هوتبيرد: 12520 V - معدل الترميز 27500 - 3/4
يمكنكم متابعة تلفزيون سوريا عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة
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