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ગરમીઓમાટે ચટણીઓ સાથે દહીંપુરી | સેવપુરી | ભેળપૂરી | Dahi puri | sev puri | Bhel puri | chaat Chutney

Sheetal's Kitchen - Gujarati 271,154 lượt xem 2 years ago
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#dahipuri #sevpuri #bhelpuri #sheetalkitchengujarati

Prep Time + Cook Time : 30 Min. each
Servings : 4-5 Servings each



For Green chutney
1 cup coriander leaves
1\2 cup mint leaves
1 tsp cumins seeds
1 piece ginger,6-7 garlic clvs
4-5 green chili,lemon
3 cups Flatten rice
1\2 Cup mix farsaan,sev
Onion,tomato,raaw mango
peanuts,masala chanadal
coriander leaves,chat masala
For Garlic Chutney
10 Garlic cloves,2 tbs sev
5-6 red chili,salt,lemon
For sweet Chutney
1\4 cup Tamrind
1\2 Cup Jaggery,salt
1\2 tsp black salt,chilli,
1 tsp roasted cumin powder

For Dahipuri

Chutney 3 types
3 boiled potatoes - masalas
1.5 cup Curd + 4 tbs sugar
Puri,Chat masala
Pomegranate,chanadal spicy
raw mango,salted peanuts
sev,red chili powder,salt

1 Cup Maida
2 tsp Besan,1 tsp carom seeds
3 tsp ghee,salt
For red Chutney
5 dry red chili
10-12 garlic cloves
Salt,1\2 lemon juice
And 2 tbs sev
For Aloo Masala
1.5 cup Boiled Potatoes
1-2 onion chopped
salt,chat masala
lemon juice
Masala Chanadal
salted peanuts
For Green chutney
1 cup coriander leaves
1\2 cup mint leaves
1 tsp cumins seeds

1 piece ginger,6-7 garlic clvs
4-5 green chili,lemon
For sweet chutney
1\4 Cup tamrind
1\2 cup jaggery
salt,1\2 tsp black salt
1 tsp Roasted cumin powder
1 tsp red chili powder

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