#prasadthota #mantrasadhana #navaratri
నవరాత్రి రోజుల్లో చేసే ఏ సాధన అయినా, పారాయణ అయినా, ఉపాసన అయినా అద్భుతాలు చేస్తాయి. | ఒక వ్యక్తి జీవితాన్ని నిలబెట్టిన, మంత్ర సాధన | నమ్మలేని యదార్ధ గాధ Unbelievable power of Mantra sadhana in Navaratri Days.
Channel Vision: To explore Sanatana Dharma, Yogic Science, universal energy to find out the secrets of god's creation and quest for the truth. Share the personal experiences and the knowledge gained in this journey with the people who believe in Sanatan Dharma and Vedic science. Separate superstition from the reality and encourage more people to follow the spiritual practices and gain the Viswa Sakthi (Cosmic Power) to achieve heights of the success.
Note: If you have any suggestions, advices, or questions, Please email to
[email protected],
I will respond in my free time. Please do not expect an immediate response for your emails or comments.
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Twitter: @thotausa - https://twitter.com/thotausa
Website: http://www.vastavam.net, http://www.vastavam.org