Hello, I'm Watage 🐻🚙
Watage is my nickname, no one has ever called me that
I'll be recording my unfortunate daily life in a relaxed manner, so please watch with sympathy
My future dream is to live in Dubai and get back at the girls from Minato Ward, and to live in Switzerland and live peacefully away from everything
Your comments always give me life
Please subscribe to my channel 👉 Watage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs7ndLZYb8GhtK0HWzFlmsQ?view_as=subscriber
Twitter is here 👉 Search @_watage_wt 🐻🚙
( https://twitter.com/_watage_wt )
Instagram / TikTok is here 👉 Search @_wata.a 🐻🚙
( https://www.instagram.com/_wata.a/ )
( https://bit.ly/35xAycK )