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超越諾曼底登陸,人類歷史上規模最大登陸戰被終止!美軍進攻日本本土,日本的滅國之戰!#重返戰場 #二戰 #沒落行動

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00:00 摘要 00:37 Plan A or Plan B 05:09 開戰即滅國 08:38 終止的計劃 沒落行動(英語:Operation Downfall)是盟軍於第二次世界大戰末期所擬定之對日本本土的進攻計劃。後因日本在廣島和長崎遭受兩次核打擊,同時蘇聯也對其宣戰,故於1945年8月15日無條件投降,計劃遂告取消。若該行動付諸實行,則將成為人類歷史上規模最大的兩棲作戰行動 Operation Downfall was an Allied attack on the Japanese mainland at the end of World War II. After Japan suffered two nuclear attacks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet Union declared war on it, it surrendered unconditionally on August 15, 1945 and the plan was canceled. If the operation had been implemented, it would have been the largest amphibious operation in human history.
