今天都用了 @kimlan2971 的✨生抽老抽蒸魚醬油復古限定版✨!
KIMLAN is giving a special discount to my viewers! Click the link above to get the set priced at $499 NTD for just $399
This video is proof that just because you can sing in a language doesn't mean you can speak that language😖
Today I used KIMLAN's ✨all new limited-edition old-fashioned light, dark, and steamed fish soy sauces✨! The packaging is adorable, right? Put them in the right order and it is two friends having steamed fish!😍
#美食 #市場 #做菜 #台語 #金蘭 #KIMLAN #醬料 #醬油 #金蘭生抽老抽蒸魚醬油
0:00 菜市場 MARKET
5:45 煮菜 COOKING
8:33 騙人吃 TASTING
11:40 金蘭 KIMLAN
13:21 感想 THOUGHTS
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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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