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250غرام كاوكاو او فول سوداني
200غرام بسكويت شاي
500غرام شكلاطة بيضاء
اثنين ملاعق حليب بودرة
نكهة القهوة او كيس ثلاثة في واحد او سريعة الذوبان للتزيين حسب الرغبة
250 g grinded peanuts
200g normal biscuit
500 g white chocolate
1 spoon of coffee or cappuccino powder 3 in 1
Decoration be anything from chocolate chips, caramel,chocolate
Melt the chocolate and add the grinded peanuts and add the biscuit and you can add 2 spoons of milk powder you can divided it and make it one part coffee and the other normal and put it in a silicone mold and put it in the fridge for around 15 minutes,and decorate it your way like I said you can use:caramel or chocolate or chocolate chips