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시럽 : 계피스틱(생략가능), 조청 300g, 물 100g, 생강/생강즙 한큰술
반죽 : 중력분 50g, 습식 찹쌀가루 200g, 설탕 50g, 소금 1작은술
뜨거운 물 5~n큰술, 막걸리 50g
Syrup: Cinnamon stick (optional), 300g grain syrup, 100g water, 1 tablespoon ginger/ginger juice
Dough: 50g flour, 200g of wet glutinous rice powder, 50g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt
5~n tablespoons of hot water, 50g of makgeolli
일상현상 hyeon : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCks...
인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/hyeoni.95/
*봉구쓰 밥머거 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM5U...
*인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/b5ng_9/?hl=ko
* 비지니스/광고/제휴 문의 [email protected]
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