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말의 진화에 대한 이야기,
영상을 통해 만나 보시죠!
#말 #진화 #에오히푸스
[참고 자료]
- W. Matthew, (1926). "The Evolution of the Horse: A Record and Its Interpretation."
- Bruce J.MacFadden, (2005). "Fossil Horses - Evidence for Evolution."
- Brianna K. McHorse et al., (2017). "Mechanics of evolutionary digit reduction in fossil horses (Equidae)."
- Christine M. Janis et al., (2019). "The Evolution of Equid Monodactyly: A Review Including a New Hypothesis."
- Nikos Solounias et al., (2018). "The evolution and anatomy of the horse manus with an emphasis on digit reduction."
[사진 및 영상]
- 농정원 및 셔터스톡 외
(1)Music: [Celebration] by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
(2)Aint Looking Back
(3)Dark Acoustic Western Groove
(4)Wild side
(5)A tender heart
(6)I don't get the lesson
0:00 말 진화에 대한 오해
2:05 말은 어떻게 말이 됐을까?
6:31 현재의 말만 살아남은 진짜 이유
9:32 말과 인류의 역사