찐우엉 300그램
물 한컵
매운고추 두어개
마늘슬라이스 1큰술정도
발효겨자 1작은술
양조간장 2큰술
참치액젓 1작은술
생강가루 1꼬집정도
후춧가루 1꼬집
찐우엉 300그램
물 한컵
양조간장 2큰술
참치액젓 1큰술
마늘가루 1티스푼
양파가루 1티스푼
생강가루 2꼬집
고구마조청 2큰술정도
(Ingredients for Pickled Spicy Ooong)
300 grams of steamed ooong
a cup of water
a couple of spicy peppers
1 tablespoon of garlic slice
1 tbsp fermented mustard
2 tablespoons of brewed soy sauce
1 tbsp of tuna fish sauce
About a pinch of ginger powder
a pinch of pepper
(Sweet ooong pickle ingredients)
300 grams of steamed ooong
a cup of water
2 tablespoons of brewed soy sauce
1 tablespoon of tuna fish sauce
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 sticks of ginger powder
2 tablespoons of sweet potato syrup