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연극배우. 미국힐링커뮤니티교회. 바울신학연구소.

손동원 14 8 hours ago
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미국힐링커뮤니티교회. 바울신학연구소. 인류미래연구소. 미국링컨연구소. 세계리더십연맹. 미국링컨헤럴드. 후원문의 [email protected] 댓글로 남겨주세요. 복음의 메시지 The Message of the Bible 신학칼럼 Theological Column 영적리더십칼럼 Spiritual Leadership Column 사회심리학칼럼 Social Psychology Column 인문학칼럼 Humanities Column 손동원박사 DR. DONG WON SON, PH.D. 미국 Los Angeles 거주 Senior Pastor, USA Traveling Preaching Pastor, USA The League of World Leadership President, USA President, Lincoln Leadership Institute Theology/Futurology/Leadership Scholar, USA Founder, Chief Editional Writer/Lincoln Herald Professor, USA CHTV Anchor, USA Columnist, USA SNS Creator, USA Counseling Mentor, USA #손동원 #손동원박사 #손동원교수 #힐링교회 #힐링커뮤니티교회 #링컨연구소 #DONG SON #DONG WON SON #DR. DONG SON #DR. DONG WON SON
