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#威力彩 #樂透
00:00 前導
02:03 揮霍無度 散盡財富
04:03 為什麼意外之財特別難保留?
06:06 錢沒花完 就先把人生花完
07:15 噫,我中了!
08:28 我們的觀點
10:09 提問
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ 為什麼億萬樂透得主都沒好下場?日本財富專家:辭掉工作,只會讓人生更痛苦!:https://bit.ly/3jVoEQn
→ 專訪/接待數十位億萬得主 台彩總座揭秘中獎撇步是這個:https://bit.ly/30YSyuB
→ 中頭獎就過好日子? 293位億萬富翁:中獎是考驗開始:https://bit.ly/2Dm5vGQ
→ Research Statistic on Financial Windfalls and Bankruptcy:https://bit.ly/2CRRC3f
→ Winning the lottery: Does it guarantee happiness?:https://cnn.it/3jPXXwC
→ 10 tragic lottery stories prove money doesn’t buy happiness:https://bit.ly/2PbLZ24
→ 20 lottery winners who lost every penny:https://bit.ly/3fdg10a
→ 'BIGGEST REGRET' Youngest Lotto winner Callie Rogers says she has no money to support her disabled son after blowing £2million on cocaine, cars and boob jobs:https://bit.ly/309Yku4
→ Curse of the lottery: Tragic stories of big jackpot winners:https://bit.ly/3fbNI2i
→ Abraham Shakespeare’s Florida lotto murder mystery: All the details:https://bit.ly/33ak234
→ Jeffrey Dampier Shared His Lottery Winnings With His Family, Only To Be Murdered By His Sister-In-Law:https://bit.ly/2D4hB7r
→ Partners ‘exposed’ in Livingston loan deal:https://bit.ly/3hJ98Fs
→ It could be you… but they wish it HADN’T been them:https://bit.ly/2Xdy2FA
→ Lottery Curse Victims: 7 People Who Won Big & Lost Everything:https://bit.ly/311vzyX
→ 15 Lottery Winners Who Blew It All Fast:https://bit.ly/3jPgKIB
→ 彩券中獎內幕? 網:想中獎先考公務員:https://bit.ly/3hTZ9NP
→ 樂透「億元頭獎」真有人中? 台彩主管爆:職業背景都假的!:https://bit.ly/3goHMnG
→ 為什麼70%樂透得主會破產收場?真相竟是…大腦搞的鬼:https://bit.ly/2PafFgk
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