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পাকিস্তানৰ ৰে’ল হাইজেক কাণ্ডৰ ডাঙৰ খবৰ

DY365 8,593 1 day ago
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পাকিস্তানৰ ৰে’ল হাইজেক কাণ্ডৰ ডাঙৰ খবৰ। ৰে’ল হাইজেক কৰা ৩০ বিদ্ৰোহীক থকা-সৰকা কৰিলে পাক সেনাই। বিশ্বজুৰি চাঞ্চল্যৰ সৃষ্টি কৰা ৰে’ল হাইজেকৰ ঘটনাক লৈ পাকিস্তানত এতিয়া হাহাকাৰ। _______________________________ The agenda of this channel is neutral, unbiased news. It has no hidden agenda and no personal baggage. A channel grows on its reputation and credibility. With its highly dedicated team of reporters, correspondents, journalists and back up of professional technical team, #DY365 will strive to leave a trail of credibility in every sphere of its work. FEARLESS, UNBIASED, TRUSTWORTHY NEWS BEGINS HERE Subscribe to our channel for the latest news updates: Connect on Social Media: Follow Us on Twitter: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Instagram: Our Website: Subscribe to our channel '#JONACK' for fictional and non fictional programs, prime time drama series, reality shows, movies , comedy serials, theatrical films, music programs and musical shows, live performance coverage and telecast special and daytime drama etc. : Subscribe to our channel 'NLTV', A Satellite Channel for Exclusive Nagaland News :
