00:00 - Intro
1:15 - Reception of 'Esatu Se'/እሳቱ ሰ album
1:52 - What is Saliyon?
4:00 - The Persona of Esatu Se
4:43 - Which song best represents Esatu Se?
8:59 - How would Jemberu express his personality?
10:44 - The impact of culture in self-expression
14:05 - Personal challenges faced in self expression
16:07 - Balancing generational gaps
18:38 - How did Jemberu start expressing himself through music?
21:15 - The limits of self expression
28:00 - Self censorship due to societal norms
32:18 - The importance of being aware of your environment
35:38 - The goal of Jemberu's self expression
36:34 - Jemberu's role models
41:38 - Is good music timeless?
43:02 - Could Jemberu's message get lost in the upbeat rhythms?
43:56 - When the audience misunderstands the message
46:34 - Collaboration with Mulatu Astatke
48:20 - Albums that influenced Jemberu
53:06 - Jemberu's vision for his legacy
55:00 - Last words
Even the most influential artists may face a hard time expressing themselves. We had a chance to sit with Jemberu Demeke to converse about the hardship and uncertainty that comes with self-expression, a topic that should be addressed especially among men.
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