Fun & Interesting

[墨語哲悟】有人問 書法審美究竟美在哪裡 總體說來書法雖然個體差異很大 但美的共性是客觀存在的 書法美感有兩方面 一是功夫 二是個性 有功無性神采不生 有性無功神采不實

墨語哲悟 21 1 day ago
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毛筆: 雜牌中楷狼毫 紙: 各種普通練字紙 在拼多多可以買到 製作每一個視頻首先是記錄自己每天的寫字生活 其次是分享寫字以來真實的感受想法和經驗體會 最後是通過寫字和出視頻結交世界各地有同樣愛好的筆友 The first thing to make every video is to record my daily writing life. The second is to share my true feelings and thoughts and experiences since writing. Finally, make friends with pen pals from all over the world who have the same hobbies through writing and posting videos. 墨語哲悟 https://www.youtubecom/@thoughts-Chinese-Hand-Writing 硅谷草屋
