みなさんもお気をつけて( ´ω` )
国内で62台しか生産されなかったというコイツが『BABY COBRA 40.27』!!
コブラよりコブラらしいミニコブラ!!2009年にベイビーコブラジャパンから発売された『ベイビーコブラ 40.27』。
比類無き加速でアメリカンマッスルカーの名を不動のものにしたシェルビー コブラ427をモデルに、ロングノーズ&ショートデッキのスポーツカースタイルを採用し、現実性を考慮した上でスポーツ性能を追求した、スズキのフラッグシップモデルのカプチーノをベースにしたカスタムモデル。
『BABYCOBRA Breeding book』
"BABY COBRA 40.27" is the one that only 62 units were produced in Japan!!!
A mini cobra that looks more like a cobra than a cobra!!! "Baby Cobra 40.27" released by Baby Cobra Japan in 2009.
The identity of the car is actually Suzuki's light car "Cappuccino".
Shelby who made the name of American muscle car immovable with unparalleled acceleration Modeled on his Cobra 427, adopted a sports car style with a long nose and short deck, and pursued sports performance in consideration of reality. A custom model based on Suzuki's flagship model, the Cappuccino.
The body has sufficient strength due to FRP (fiberglass) reinforcement. It is even more glamorous by emphasizing the undulations of the real cobra, the degree of protrusion before and after strengthening the curve, and the volume of the body!!! It looks like a great cobra replica!!! The length is 40 cm shorter than the original, but the headlights and fenders reproduce the same height as the real Cobra. Surprisingly, the overall width, tires and wheels are the same size as the original Cobra!!! The engine is an in-line 3-cylinder 660cc turbo, and the maximum output is 64 horsepower, which makes me feel weak, but the vehicle weight is 670 kg, which is lighter than the genuine cappuccino and runs better! The engine is also cappuccino, so maintenance costs are low. The engine and mission have been overhauled after replacing all consumable parts at the time of production.
This Cobra is powered by a 64ps SUZUKI cappuccino (EA11R) 660cc straight-three turbo engine (F6A) backed by a five-speed manual trans.