This popular science animation popularizes the knowledge related to fossils. Starting from the evolution of life on Earth, a variety of ancient organisms are introduced and the fossil formation process is described: after the death of organisms, the hard part is covered by sediment. After millions of years of sediment is diagenetic, the organisms become fossilized, as well as amber, sand burial, freezing, asphalt pit burial and other special formation methods. Finally, the basic conditions for fossil formation are summarized, which is rich and interesting..... It is suitable for children aged 2 - 8 to watch and learn.
#化石 #⼉童科普 #人類起源 #琥珀 #物種起源 #古生物科普動畫 #動畫啓蒙 #科學拓展
#fossil #Children's Popular Science #Amber # Darwin #The Origin of Species #Paleontology Science Animation #Animation Enlightenment #Scientific Expansion