#drumstickparatha #sargvanathepla #sheetalkitchen
Prep Time + Cook Time : 20 Min.
Servings : 8 Servings
5 sticks of Drum stick
3.5 cups wheat flour
salt,Sesame seeds,oil
carom seeds,red chili powder
coriander leaves
turmeric powder
coriander cumin powder
Jaggery, ginger chili paste
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ગુજરાતી ફરસાણ ની રેસીપી | GUJARATI FARSAN RECIPE--https://bit.ly/3glwGQx
ગુજરાતી ફરાળી રેસીપી | UPVAS / FASTING RECIPE--https://bit.ly/39T3D4e
ઝટપટ બનતા નાસ્તાઓ | QUICK SNACKS RECIPE--https://bit.ly/2Duuojv
ગુજરાતી મીઠાઈ | GUJARATI SWEETS--https://bit.ly/3k8WoKj
પંજાબી શાક ની રેસિપી | PUNJABI CURRY RECIPE--https://bit.ly/3fvn7gu
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પરોઢા | ભાખરી | થેપલા ની રેસીપી - PARATHA & THEPLA RECIPES--https://bit.ly/2PrCUTg
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