डॉ. सूर्यबाला ने अभी तक 150 से अधिक कहानियाँ, उपन्यास, व हास्य व्यंग्य लिखे हैं। इनमें से अधिकांश हिंदी की प्रसिद्ध पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में प्रकाशित हुए हैं। अनेकों आकाशवाणी व दूरदर्शन पर प्रसारित हुए हैं और बहुतों का देश विदेश की अनेक भाषाओं में अनुवाद हुआ है।
जन्म : 25 अक्तूबर, 1943 को वाराणसी (उ.प्र.) में।
शिक्षा : एम.ए., पी-एच.डी. (रीति साहित्य—काशी हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय)।
Dr. SuryaBala .......
One of the leading lights of Hindi literature for the last 40 years, Dr. Suryabala has left an indelible impression across stories, novels and humour/satire. Her works have been published by leading periodicals and magazines as also in novel form. Translations into various languages have found wide acclaim while a number of her stories and satires have been adapted and tele/broadcasted on radio and television. She has participated in, and Chaired, several national and international literary seminars organised by universities, Hindi academies and state governments. 5 novels, 15 story collections, 5 satire collections, one memoir published and very well received in the literary world. She has been honoured and awarded by several state governments and institutions including the Priyadarshini Puraskar by Maharashtra Government, the Maharashtra Hindi Academy Award, the Ratni Devi Goenka Award and the 'Vyangya Sri' award by the Hindi Bhavan Nyas.