From a page of speaker's diary:
In a fine evening of 1949, I met Spencer-da (Edmand Spencer) first-time at College-square of Kolkata! After a short conversation, when I asked him - "Can you tell me how to be a perfect man?" He then politely requested me to go to Deoghar and ask the same question to Thakur Anukulchandra, his living-guide. Subsequently, I came to Deoghar in the same year and in my first visit in a fine morning, I asked Thakur (at Deoghar Satsang Yati Ashram) - "Thakur! Will you kindly tell me how shall I be a perfect man?" Thakur answered spontaneously-
"If you wish to be a perfect man - You need a guide or Superior Beloved. And you should have untottering, unrepelling and indomitable adherence towards him! Our complexes drag us towards downwards. But, if we possess much adherence or LOVE for Him, then all our complexes would be adjusted. And, due to this active love for the Superior Beloved, fine-traits of the brain- cells develop. And in this way, the individuality or the God-hood blossoms within us."