00:00 摘要
00:58 片頭
04:40 美軍損管究竟有多強
07:31 美軍損管的制勝法寶
損害管制(英語:damage control),全稱「艦艇損害管制」,簡稱「損管」,是長期使用於商船、航運業和海軍對於可能危害船舶沉沒的情況下的緊急控制。它也可以運用在其他領域。該術語也用於項目管理以及在其他一些情況下用來描述任何處理將會危及之前所作努力及成果的問題的行動。除此之外,在政治以及媒體行業,它常指相應地信息封鎖或者由政治顧問代理對事件做出回應。
Damage control (English: damage control), full name "ship damage control", abbreviated as "damage control", is a long-term use in merchant ships, shipping and the navy for emergency control of situations that may endanger the sinking of ships. It can also be used in other fields. The term is also used in project management and in some other cases to describe any action to deal with problems that will jeopardize previous efforts and results. In addition, in politics and the media industry, it often refers to the corresponding information blockade or the response to the incident by political consultants.