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微電影《蚪尾》繁英字幕 | 劉玉翠、張崇德 | 惜。終有離別 | 放下有時,思念有時

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故事大綱:《蚪尾》 惜。終有離別。 放下有時,思念有時。 童年時,雪兒看著蝌蚪慢慢變成青蛙;長大了,雪兒(由劉玉翠飾演)看著母親慢慢變老。迎接和送別生命是人生必經之事,然而,我們對此都會不安及猶疑,雪兒亦不例外。雪兒照顧有腦退化症的母親近八年,陪伴母親邁向人生的最後階段;期間,張醫生(由張崇德飾演)提出有關雪兒母親去或留的抉擇,雪兒和家人為此爭持不下。生命去、留的課題,從來沒有最佳答案,雪兒只能由自身學習,希望作出最靠近初心的選擇。 想了解更多有關『預設醫療指示』資料,請瀏覽耆智園網頁﹕ 如觀看影片後有不安的情緒,請聯絡賽馬會耆智園或閣下居住之長者地區中心 同工『如何使用《蚪尾》作為教育素材』小冊子: Synopsis: 《THE TAIL BEFORE》 As a child, Suet Yi witnessed the transformation of tadpoles into frogs. As an adult, Suet Yi (starred by Rain Lau) witnessed the aging of her mother. Welcoming and bidding farewell to life are inevitable chapters in life journey. Nonetheless, we feel uneasy and doubtful about such life matters, and Suet Yi is no exception. Suet Yi has been taking care of her mother with dementia for nearly eight years, accompanying her mother until her last stage of life. Meanwhile, Dr Cheung (starred by Peter Cheung) raised concerns about end-of-life decision-making, and Suet Yi and her family members had intensive dispute on this issue. There is no absolute answer on life and death issue, Suet Yi can only learn by herself and hopefully make a choice closest to her initial enthusiasm. Cherish now as parting is an inescapable reality. There is a time to let go...a time to miss you dearly. #香港 #微電影 #蚪尾 #劉玉翠 #張崇德 #黃飛鵬
