शमा की मुस्लिम भाभी ने सनातन धर्म के बारे में ये क्या बोल दिया? || Hindu Muslim Love Story || Hindu Muslim Couple Vlogs
Hello, Friends we are a Hindu Muslim couple my wife is a Muslim and I am a Hindu as she chose me above her religion and married me going against her parents and today we are sharing something very interesting with you all where my Muslim Wife's goes to meet my Bhabhi and she says something about Hindu Dharma is it bad or good watch to find out? watch to find out and if you like our video then like share and susbcribe!
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This is the channel of interfaith couple Shama & Ravi where we share our love with you guys keep supporting!
Our Instagram-----
Shama: https://www.instagram.com/sh.ama6850
Ravi: https://www.instagram.com/actor_ravi_pandey
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