आंवले के मीठा अचार अगर एकबार बनालिया तो सब लोग इसकी रेसिपी पुछेंगे Amla Sweet Pickle Recipe
This sweet pickle made from amla / Indian gooseberry tastes so amazing. Your family will love it.
Note: If you want thinner pickle like more rassa then just cook it till jaggery melts. After 3-4 days it will thicken slightly. If you want thicker pickle then cook it for more 5-6 minutes then pickle will be thicker. I like runny pickle so I cooked it till jaggery melts.
#picklerecipe #amalapickle #amalekaachar
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Location: CK Party Plot | Dhamdachha
Video By: Elevate Studio (Vijay | Mayur | Unnati)
Thank You
Viraj Naik