代々 親から子へ受け継がれる懐かしい味『けんちん汁』その味を更に美味しくし
次の世代へ バトンを渡す食育も兼ねたレシピです!
Taught by a Chef! Learn this, and you'll use it for life!
【The Classic of Japanese Cuisine: Kenchin-jiru!】
We'll carefully guide you through everything, from preparing the ingredients to the perfect timing for adding seasonings!
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豆腐 半丁※約200g
干し椎茸 3個※約20g
大根 150g※大体でOK
にんじん 50g※大体でOK
洗いごぼう 60g※大体でOK
里芋 3個※約280g※大体でOK
こんにゃく 半丁※約125g※大体でOK
長ネギ 50g※大体でOK
ごま油 大さじ1※約15㏄
干し椎茸のもどし汁 800cc
あご出汁の素 1本
酒 大さじ2※約30㏄
みりん 大さじ1※約15㏄
うすくちしょうゆ 大さじ4※約60㏄
【ingredients】Serves 6-8
Tofu: Half a block (approximately 200g)
Dried shiitake mushrooms: 3 pieces (approximately 20g)
Daikon radish: 150g (approximately, adjust as needed)
Carrot: 50g (approximately, adjust as needed)
Washed burdock root: 60g (approximately, adjust as needed)
Taro: 3 pieces (approximately 280g, adjust as needed)
Konjac: Half a block (approximately 125g, adjust as needed)
Green onion: 50g (approximately, adjust as needed)
Sesame oil: 1 tablespoon (approximately 15cc)
Soaked shiitake mushroom water: 800cc
Dried flying fish stock (Ago dashi) powder: 1 packet
Sake: 2 tablespoons (approximately 30cc)
Mirin: 1 tablespoon (approximately 15cc)
Usukuchi soy sauce: 4 tablespoons (approximately 60cc)
① 豆腐の水切りをします
② 干し椎茸を、ぬるま湯に浸し戻します。※約3時間
③ 大根は皮を剥いて、イチョウ切りにします。
④ 人参は皮をむき、半月にカットします。
⑤ 洗いごぼうは、サッと洗い 笹切りにします。
⑥ こんにゃくは裏と表に、切り込みを入れて食べやすい大きさにスライスします。
⑦ 里芋は皮を剥き、縦割り半分にして半月にスライスします。
⑧ 干し椎茸は、石付きを取りスライスします。
⑨ 長ネギは、切り込みを入れぶつ切りにします。
⑩ フライパンに、ごま油を入れ ごぼう 里芋 大根 人参 椎茸 こんにゃくを入れて炒めます
⑪ 野菜が透き通ってきたら、鍋に入れて干し椎茸の戻し汁を入れます。
⑫ 長ネギと豆腐を入れて沸かします。
⑬ 沸いて来たら、アクを丁寧に取ります。
⑭ あご出汁の粉末を入れ、調味します。
⑮ 15分ほど弱火で煮ます。
⑯ 時間があれば、一旦火を止めて休ませると美味しくなります。
⑰ 温めて器に盛り付けます。
【How to make】
① Drain the tofu.
② Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in lukewarm water to rehydrate them (about 3 hours).
③ Peel the daikon radish and cut it into ginkgo-shaped slices.
④ Peel the carrot and cut it into half-moon slices.
⑤ Rinse the burdock root briefly and cut it into thin diagonal slices.
⑥ Cut the konjac into slices by making cuts on both sides, then slice it into bite-sized pieces.
⑦ Peel the satoimo (taro), cut it in half lengthwise, and then slice it into half-moon shapes.
⑧ Remove the stems from the dried shiitake mushrooms and slice them.
⑨ Cut the green onions into pieces by making slits in them.
⑩ Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, then add the burdock, taro, daikon, carrot, shiitake mushrooms, and konnyaku, and stir-fry them.
⑪ Once the vegetables become translucent, transfer them to a pot and add the rehydrated shiitake mushroom soaking liquid.
⑫ Add the long green onion and tofu, then bring to a boil.
⑬ Once it starts to boil, carefully skim off the scum.
⑭ Add the bonito-based soup stock powder (Ago Dashi) and season to taste.
⑮ Simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes.
⑯ If you have time, turn off the heat and let it rest to enhance the flavor.
⑰ Reheat and serve in a bowl.
① 豆腐は水切りをする事で、旨味が上がります。
② 野菜の切り方で、味の染み込み具合が変わります。
③ 野菜は、透き通るまで炒めます。
④ アクをすくってから調味します。
【Makeup points】
① Draining the tofu enhances its flavor.
② The way vegetables are cut affects how well the flavors are absorbed.
③ Cook the vegetables until they become translucent.
④ Skim off the scum and then season.
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#けんちん汁 作り方,
#けんちん汁 レシピ,
#正月 レシピ,
#papa`s cooking,