안녕하세요. 지니입니다.
오늘 영상은,
초간단 베이킹인 팝오버를 만든 이야기부터 시작합니다..
작은꼬마와 함께 실랑이 하면서 만들었는데..
만드는 과정은 정신없었지만 재밌는 추억하나를 또 만든거 같아요^^;
돌아온 저녁밥 시간..
메뉴는 설날에 먹고 남은 전으로 전 찌개도 만들어 먹었는데 너무 맛있어서 밥을 두공기나 먹었습니다.^^
그리고 하찮은 언박싱 시간ㅋㅋ
채반 바구니와 잡곡통 보관용기를 샀는데
나름 언박싱이라며 영상에 재밌게 담아봤습니다..
오랜만에 몇가지 밑반찬을 만들고,
대왕 소시지도 부처서 맛있게 저녁을 먹었습니다..
밥먹다가 작은꼬마가 울어서 잠시 멘붕의 시간이 되었네요^^;
오늘 영상도 가볍게 시청해주시고,
재밌으셨다면 좋아요와 구독 눌러주세요.💕
Hi. I'm Jini.
In today's video,
I'm going to start with the story of how I created the popover.
It's a very easy bread to make,
but when I made them with my little one, it was a little crazy.
It was a chaotic process, but we made some fun memories.
It's dinner time.
I made jjigae with the leftover food from the Lunar New Year,
and it was so delicious.
And unboxing time.
I bought a vegetable basket and a storage container for grain.
I had fun unboxing them in my video.
I made some side dishes after a long time,
I also made sausages, so we had a delicious dinner.
I was a little distracted because my little one was crying while eating.
Please enjoy today's video,
If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe.💕
Happy Boy End Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100648
Artist: http://incompetech.com/