【C11 190】
1977年(昭和52年)に解体される予定であったが、熊本県八代市在住の小沢年満さんに買い取られ、1978年(昭和53年)より静態保存されていた。彼が復活を夢見て大切に保管していたことが、大井川鐵道の関係者の目にとまった。2001年(平成13年)6月19日に保存場所から搬出され、同月23日に海上輸送で御前崎港西埠頭に到着、翌日に大井川鐵道へ搬入された。同年8月28日より同鐵道では「C11 190復活プロジェクト」が開始され、翌月に修復作業が開始された。2003年(平成15年)5月に塗装が完了した。外装は、先述のお召し列車牽引の功績を称え、除煙板に金色の社紋が取り付けられ、車体各所にステンレスによる縁取りがなされたお召し仕様のものになった。同年6月16日より試運転を開始、同7月17・18日に募金者対象の試乗会が実施され、翌日に営業運転を開始した。
がんばれ!C11 190号
【C11 190】
It was planned to be dismantled in 1977 (Showa 52), but it was bought by Mr. Ozawa, who lives in Yatsushiro-shi, Kumamoto, and was kept quietly from 1978 (Showa 53). It was caught in the eyes of the officials of Oigawa Shindo that he dreamed of resurrection and kept it in a safe place. It was taken out of the storage site on June 19, 2001, and arrived at Omaezaki Port West Pier by ocean transportation on the same month 23 and was carried to the Oi River Shindo the next day. The "C11 190 Revival Project" was launched on August 28 in the same year on the same road, and restoration work began the following month. Painting was completed in May 2003. The exterior, in honor of the achievements of the aforementioned train tow, was of a specification with a smoke removing plate attached with a golden company crest, and various parts of the vehicle framed with stainless steel. The trial operation started on June 16 of the same year, and a test drive for the fundraiser was held on July 17 and 18 of the same year.
From the fall of 2018, due to the boiler's failure, the traction constant decreased, and even with the three-car formation, the deterioration of the condition became noticeable enough to require auxiliary equipment. As a result, the boiler inspection in the general inspection from the spring of 2019 has been transported not to the usual Shinkanaya vehicle district garage but to the Tokai Kikan plant, which is a partner in charge, for a full repair.
Do your best! C11 190