የቤተሰብ ጨዋታ ቤተሰቦች ጥሩ ሳቅን እየሳቁ ለመሸለም እየጓጉ፣ ጥያቄዎችን እየመለሱ የሚጫወቱበት በነፃነት ወርቅነህ የማይጠገቡ ድንገቴ ቀልዶች ፈታ የሚሉበት ዘወትር ማክሰኞና አርብ የሚቀርብ ተወዳጅ ፕሮግራም ነው።
The "Yebetseb Chewata" program is a family game where families can play while having a good laugh, eager to be rewarded, and answering questions. It's a favorite that airs every Tuesday and Friday, filled with jokes you can't get enough of.
EBS TV-Watch on Roku(PC/Mac & iPhone/iPad & Android Devices) : https://live.ebstv.tv/
ያለዎትን ጥያቄና አስተያየት በ አጭር ቸመልዕክት 7696 ላይ ይላኩልን
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