#香港支付寶 # 高德打車 #南澳海鮮街
At the end of March 2024, AlipayHK added a new taxi-hailing application called Amap. Hong Kong residents do not need a mainland phone number or a mainland bank account to hail a taxi in major mainland cities.
影片內容 Contents:
00:00 香港支付寶 | 高德打車 AlipayHK AmapTaxi
03:04 行程 1 Trip 1
10:10 行程 2 Trip 2
11:23 南澳海鮮街 Nanao Seafood Street
13:17 南澳第一灣 Nanao First Beach
14:44 行程 3 Trip 3
[輕輕鬆鬆,夏日遊蹤] 香港支付寶 | 深圳通乘車碼 | 八達通銀聯卡 | AlipayHK | ShenZhen Tong QR code | Octopus UnionPay Card
拍攝日期 Date of photography : 2024-04-13