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Odile오딜 4,240 lượt xem 1 day ago
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🍊오딜의 랜선 지인들께🍊

연말에 사고로 크게 다쳐서 그런지
이번 겨울은 체력적으로 힘들기도 하고,
‘아… 예전같지 않네’ 하고 느낄때가
유독 더 많은 것 같아요 🥹
확실히 30대 중반의 체력과 다르구나~
나이들어감을 실감하는 요즘이에요.
그래서 더욱 운동과 건강관리에
신경을 쓰게 됩니다 🏋🏻‍♀️
40대에는 시간을 들여 키운 근육이
명품보다 더 빛이 나는게 아닐까…✨
저도 잘 먹고 열심히 근력을 키워보려고요~

💟이번주도 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다💟
💜다음주에 또 만나요💜
🗂️ 좋아요💓 구독하기📨 알림설정🛎
✅ 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다 🗝️

🍊Dear my online friends🍊

I think I’m feeling the effects of my big accident at the end of last year because this winter has been especially tough on me physically. I often catch myself thinking, “Wow, I’m really not the same as before.”

I can definitely feel the difference between my mid-30s and now. Lately, I’ve been realizing more than ever that I’m getting older, which makes me even more determined to focus on exercise and taking care of my health.

In our 40s, the muscles we build with time and effort might shine even brighter than luxury goods. So, I’m making sure to eat well and work on strengthening my body!

💟 Thank you for always watching my video💾💘
💜See you next week💜
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