| गुड्स गार्ड के वैन मे जबरदस्त सफर | मालगाड़ी ब्रेक वैन | Goods Guard brake van journey |
Goods guard van travel @Rohitcurvevlogs
#indianrailways #goodsguard #railwayvideos #trackmachine
Hi friends, in this video I have shown you what it is like to travel in a railway goods guard van. What is the experience like? What problems do you face? How much fun do you have? And at the same time, no harm has been done to the railways while shooting this video, nor has the railways been put in any kind of trouble. If you like the video, please like and subscribe. Thank you!
Nepal, mustang: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV9ssbQ6-r0S01SLu3Tm04r-AryuXMp-G
Indian railway
Indian railways
Goods guard in Indian railway
Goods guard Job
Goods guard van
Rohit curve vlogs
Railway tracks
Railway track machines
Goods manager job profile
Goods train manager
Goods guard salary
Goods train
Goods guard job profile
Goods guard work in railway
Goods guard brack van
Goods guard new brack van
Journey in freight train
Brack van journey
Life of guard
Life in railway
Goods guard brake van