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About Boss Wallah:
Boss Wallah is a platform for small business owners and aspiring business owners. We enable you to learn the skills to start, operate, and grow your business and live a good life. We provide the structure, support, and a thriving community to help you become the boss you aspire to be.
We have created courses so that you can learn directly from successful entrepreneurs in your chosen field, whether it be retail, farming, food business, or any one of 100+ business areas.
Sometimes video content is not enough and you need to talk directly to an expert. We provide access to 2000+ experts in every imaginable topic so that you can get their advice to solve your business problems.
We provide you all this in the language you are comfortable in. Currently we operate in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam, and English.
The Boss Wallah platform is here to support you on your journey. However, success can come only with your hard work and commitment. Don’t give up. Go after your dreams. Be the boss!
00:00 - Goat/Chicken Farm: Slatted Housing Issues
00:50 - High-Yield Goat & Kid Sales
01:32 - Shed Design & Cost
02:39 - Slatted Housing Downsides
03:41 - Ground Sheds: Cheaper
04:41 - Cleaning & Manure Use
05:38 - Feed & Goat Separation
06:06 - Beetal Goat Colors: No Preference
06:37 - Goat Vaccinations: Crucial
07:42 - Vaccine Importance: Disease Prevention
08:16 - Vaccination Schedule
09:46 - Past Breed Issues: Market Honesty
10:46 - Beetal Size & Weight
11:49 - Inbreeding Problems
12:57 - Sentimental Goat: No Culling
13:59 - Goat Milk Benefits
14:31 - Beetal Marketing: Per Head
16:02 - Kid Sales: High Demand
16:58 - Kid Pricing: Varies
17:33 - Farmer Advice: Start Small
18:59 - Conclusion
ಕಡಿಮೆ ಖರ್ಚಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮೇಕೆ ಶೆಡ್ ನಿರ್ಮಿಸೋದು ಹೇಗೆ? ಅಟ್ಟಣಿಕೆ ಪದ್ದತಿಯ ಶೆಡ್ | Low Cost Shed for Sheep Farming
A stacking system shed for sheep is a low-cost, space-efficient shelter designed to maximize livestock management. It provides protection from harsh weather, improves hygiene, and enhances productivity. This budget-friendly setup ensures proper ventilation, easy cleaning, and better disease control.
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