PART 1 of the preamp tube comparison can be found here:
I decided to get a brand new Mullard 12AX7 preamp tube to compare with the Mullard ECC83 from the 1950s. I'm using three of my amps for this comparison. The Grand Tweed Deluxe (5E3) that I used in part 1 and in addition I'm throwing in my 50W ODS Dumble/Fuchs clone and my Princeton Reverb head (AA1164) to hear how versatile these preamp tubes are.
Preamp tubes in this episode:
Mullard ECC83 (1950s)
Mullard 12AX7 (New)
Philips MiniWatt (1950s)
Electro Harmonix 12AX7
Tungsol 12AX7
The speakers used are:
Grand Tweed Deluxe: Jensen C12N
50W ODS: Eminence Cannabis Rex 12"
Princeton Reverb (AA1164): Eminence GA10-SC64, 10"
Gibson ES-335 VOS 1963 reissue
Partscaster Strat with Radioshop pickups (ID:63GT)
Microphones capturing the sound:
Shure SM7
Shure SM57
00:00 Intro jam
00:39 Intro talk
02:16 Tweed Deluxe and Mullad ECC83 (1950s)
03:50 Tweed Deluxe and Mullard 12AX7 (New)
05:31 Tweed Deluxe and Philips Miniwatt ECC83
08:15 50W ODS Dumble/Fuchs clone and Tungsol 12AX7
09:39 50W ODS Dumble/Fuchs clone and Mullard ECC83 (1950s)
11:19 50W ODS Dumble/Fuchs clone and Mullard 12AX7 (New)
13:59 Princeton Reverb (AA1164) and Electro-Harmonix 12AX7
15:33 Princeton Reverb (AA1164) and Mullard ECC83 (1950s)
17:32 Princeton Reverb (AA1164) and Mullard 12AX7 (New)
19:10 Conclusion
20:12 "Soundtrack of my life" outro jam